utah home organizer

How to Declutter Your Home and Why It Matters


It's time to face the truth: clutter is the frenemy we didn't know we had. Sure, it seems harmless at first, but then it can feel like it’s accumulated at an exponential rate and the next thing you know, you’re drowning in it.

Why is it important to ditch the clutter?

First and foremost, clutter is a sneaky time thief. Think about it: how many hours have you spent searching for your keys, that one missing sock, or that super important document buried under piles of who-knows-what? Time is precious, especially now that we're juggling careers, relationships, and maybe even a few adorable fur babies. So why waste it playing hide-and-seek with inanimate objects? According to the National Soap and Detergent Association, getting rid of clutter would reduce 40% of housework. So if you can edit out what you no longer use, love or need, you may find that you get almost half of your time back.

Let's reclaim those lost hours and put them towards something much more enjoyable, like binge-watching our favorite guilty pleasure show or treating ourselves to a well-deserved spa day.

What else does clutter do to us?

Let's not forget about the emotional weight of clutter. Remember that top you bought five years ago and haven't worn since? Every time you catch a glimpse of it, it taunts you with guilt and whispers, "You wasted your hard-earned money on me." Let's free ourselves from the unnecessary guilt and make room for clothes that we actually want to put on everyday. Less waste, less guilt and more enjoyment.

Lastly, let's not underestimate the impact of clutter on our mental and physical well-being. Cluttered spaces can make us feel overwhelmed, stressed, and downright grumpy. Let's create a sanctuary where we can relax, unwind, and enjoy the serenity of a clutter-free zone. Trust me, when you come home to a tidy space, you'll feel like you can conquer the world—or at least enjoy your favorite beverage in peace.

What about sentimental clutter?

Now, I get it. Parting ways with our clutter can be tough. We develop emotional attachments to random objects like the vase Aunt Mildred gave us for our birthday. We feel obligated to keep it because, well, she's family. But here's the thing: Aunt Mildred may not even remember she gave it to you, and chances are, she's got enough vases to start a floral shop. So why not donate it to someone who might actually appreciate its... charm?

How do I tackle the clutter?

Tackling the clutter is like eating an elephant - you do it one bite at a time. If the pile of paperwork in the corner of your kitchen has been staring back at you for a month, start there. Pull out all of the papers and go through them one-by-one. Do you need to take action on something? Keep it out in the open. Is something just junk mail or paper you never needed in the first place? Recycle that stuff. Got documents that you should really hang on to for longer than a few weeks? File that a way in a long-term file system.

Just starting with one problem area will help you gain momentum so you see progress and then feel encouraged to keep going.

When and how often should I declutter?

This is going to be different for everyone. You’ll want to declutter your kitchen counters daily to stay on top of the many things that end up on that surface. You’ll want to edit and declutter places like your closet once every few months (when you start noticing things getting a little messy and/or you’re not wearing everything in it.) If you’ve never decluttered your home before, start by zone. Once all of the zones are decluttered then you just need to switch to maintenance mode.

Fortunately, maintenance mode is much easier than that first round of decluttering. Maintenance doesn’t have to be daily or weekly but don’t let spaces go on too much longer than monthly.

So, my fellow 30-something ladies, let's bid adieu to clutter and welcome a life of freedom, organization, and unapologetic enjoyment. It's time to declutter like nobody's business and embrace the amazing women we are. Remember, a clutter-free space is a clutter-free mind, and who can argue with that? Now, go forth, conquer the clutter, and unleash your minimalist outlook on the world.

Want more simple living help to streamline your house? Click here and schedule a complimentary 15-minute consult and chat with me about your home organization goals or follow me on Instagram here for daily organization and minimalist-living tips.

My Favorite Spice Jars and Labels to Match

These neat method spice jars are professional organizer Britnee Tanner's favorite.

Some organization seems extra to some people.

Like why decant spices into pretty little jars? Why spend the time when you can just keep them in the jars they came in from the store?

If that sounds like you, I get where you’re coming from. I didn’t always organize my spices and snacks by individual containers (yes, there was a time).

But I do think that this little bit of extra work is totally worth it.


Because taking the time to separate something like your spice collection into uniform jars with beautiful labels is worth its weight in gold when you feel the calm that it creates. And when you experience the happiness you see from every spice in your cabinet (or drawer) uniformly placed and labeled.

Friends GIF celebrating that uniformity creates calm, especially when it comes to labels and jars.

Uniformity creates calm.

Containment creates a sense of control.

Neat labels mean you can read what you have without searching.

So yes, the extra effort is worth it.

If that doesn’t convince you, I can attest to the transformation I’ve seen with my clients. It’s been these extra details that really set a space a part from others. It’s the detail that creates a custom experience - an experience that is felt every time they walk into their pantry or open a kitchen cabinet.

So without further adieu, my favorite spice jar set is from Neat Method and my favorite labels are from Paper and Pear.

Buy them, transform your spice collection and thank me later.

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3 Ways to Teach Your Kids to Tidy Up and Organize

Kids can learn to organize young, making them successful their whole lives, according to Britnee Tanner's home organizing advice.

I get asked a lot of the same questions when people find out I’m a professional home organizer.

Some of the more common questions I get are:

“How do I teach my kids to tidy up?”

“How do I manage toy clutter?”

While I could go on and on about ways to declutter toys, I’ll instead focus this post on ways to teach your kids to organize and tidy up around the house. These are things I do with my own kids and what I share with clients.

First - show them.

You can’t expect your little ones to instinctively know how or when to organize their toys. Be sure to show them by doing and be consistent. Consistency helps create lifelong healthy habits.

Remember that by showing your child where their items go - you are literally teaching them. Designate certain containers for their personal items. Show them where their clothing should live. Show them where the cars and the blocks and the bikes go when they’re done with playtime.

Second - patiently remind them.

Just because you told them and showed them where their things go, doesn’t mean your child will magically be amazing at tidying up. Kids have distractions and their own agendas and their own free will! It takes constant, patient reminders and for many parents this can mean reward systems or other systems to help kids make and keep good habits. Organization and tidying up are no different. Be patient and you’ll be amazed at the results over time.

Third - be clear.

Be sure you have designated zones for your child’s items. If you say, put your clothes over there - what does “over there” actually mean? Instead, put your dirty clothes in the hamper in the corner. Or please put your cars in the car bin in the closet. I don’t know about you but I appreciate when adults give me clear direction - same is helpful for little ones when it comes to home organization and tidying up.

A child practices organization thanks to mom and organizer Britnee's guidance.

What tips or suggestions have you used with your own kids? Do you use any of these tips already? Let me know in the comments!

Join My Simple Home Decluttering + Organizing Challenge

A closet in Britnee Tanner's organized home in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The older I get the more I realize that if I have someone cheering me on I’m way more likely to finish whatever project I’m working on (aka bake the cookies, get on the exercise bike or clean out my closet). Just a little support in the form of a text message or call where I can share my to-do list or goals are enough to motivate me to finish what I started.

This method of getting things accomplished also applies to the projects in our homes. Yes, even the decluttering and organizing ones! I organize homes for a living and I still love sending those before-and-afters to my sister because there is just something about good ‘ole fashioned support from someone who knows you well.

So, while I don’t know all of you, I do want to help support you in your decluttering journey! A journey that I hope you find fulfilling and enjoyable.

Today starts the January Simple Home Challenge and all month long, I’ll be sharing tips to help you simplify and organize various areas in your home. You can join the challenge on Instagram by following me here.

Share your wins, ask questions and get your organizing BFF to join with you!