How to Declutter Your House Fast in 2024

Cupboard organized by professional organizer in Utah Britnee Tanner.

If you live in the West, odds are you’ve seen a lot of rain and snow lately. Here in Salt Lake City, Utah where I live, Spring can’t come soon enough.

So even if it is snowing as I write this, I do know that Spring cleaning is almost upon us — and I count organization and decluttering in this annual home phase, too, because spring really is the perfect time to refresh your home and declutter your space. For all my busy mom friends — you can probably relate. This time of year marks the start of a new season and a chance to create a more organized and stress-free living environment. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the thought of decluttering your home, don't worry — I’ve got you covered! Here are some tips and tricks to help you declutter your home quickly and efficiently this spring.

Set Clear Goals

Before you begin decluttering, take some time to set clear goals for yourself. Decide which areas of your home you want to focus on and what you hope to achieve. Whether you want to declutter your entire house or just a few specific areas, having a clear plan in place will help keep you motivated and on track. You don’t have to get too crazy with the goals. Jot down your priorities in your Notes app and check them off as you go.

Start Small

When it comes to decluttering, it's important to start small and tackle one area at a time. Trying to declutter your entire house in one go can be overwhelming and may lead to burnout. Instead, start with a small, manageable area, such as a closet or a single room, and work your way up from there.

To declutter your home fast in 2024 means sorting yours and the kids' closets too.

Decluttering Tips for Specific Areas

  • Closets: Start by emptying out your closet and sorting through your clothes. Ask yourself if you've worn it in the last year. If not, it may be time to let it go. Consider donating or selling items that are in good condition but no longer serve you. Oftentimes, clients of mine can feel wasteful when they’re getting rid of certain items. Keep in mind that someone else will love and adore that dress that doesn’t suit you anymore. Your square footage is more precious than holding onto something you don’t wear anymore just because.

  • Kitchen: Go through your kitchen cabinets and drawers and get rid of any items that are broken, unused, or expired. Consider investing in storage containers to help keep your kitchen organized and clutter-free. You can absolutely repurpose existing containers that you already have on hand. If you want to make your kitchen look extra streamlined, purchase new ones that match for a consistent look and feel.

  • Living Room: The living room is often a gathering place for clutter. Take some time to go through any books, magazines, or knick-knacks and decide what you want to keep and what you can let go of. Storage solutions, such as baskets and shelves, are a great way to help keep your living room tidy.

Get the Whole Family Involved

Decluttering your home can be a big task, so don't be afraid to enlist the help of your family. Get your kids involved and make decluttering a fun and rewarding experience. You can even turn it into a game or offer rewards for reaching a certain decluttering milestone. I recently learned about the magic trash game from son’s teacher. Have your kids help tidy before bed and then if they pick up the “magical” item that you pre-determined was the one special item of trash or clutter, they get a few minutes of extra awake time or a tasty treat. Whatever helps motivate your household.

Stay Organized

As you declutter your home, it's important to stay organized and keep track of what you've accomplished. Consider creating a decluttering checklist or creating an album on your phone of before and after photos so you can track all of your progress. This can help you stay motivated and see how far you've come. Bonus points if you text those photos to your mom or friend so they can see how far you’ve come!

Britnee Tanner organized this bathroom closet with storage containers and baskets as part of her declutter service.

Donate or Sell Unwanted Items

Instead of just throwing away your unwanted items, consider donating or selling them. There are many local charities and thrift stores that would be happy to accept your donations, and selling your items online or at a garage sale can help you make some extra cash. If you’re a Salt Lake City, Utah local then I recommend both Deseret Industries or Savers for items that can be used again.

Stay Consistent

Decluttering your home is not a one-time task — it's an ongoing process. To maintain a clutter-free home, make a habit of regularly decluttering and organizing your space. Set aside some time each week to tackle a small decluttering project, and you'll be able to enjoy a clean and organized home all year round.

Keep in mind that decluttering your home doesn't have to be a daunting task. With a clear plan, some motivation, and a little bit of time, you can declutter your home quickly and efficiently this Spring. So roll up your sleeves, put on some music, and enjoy a clutter-free living space.

Interested in the whole less is more idea? Click here and schedule a complimentary 15-minute consult and chat with me about your home organization goals or follow me on Instagram here for daily organization and minimalist-living tips.

A Complete Guide to Help You Organize Your Closet Efficiently

Britnee Tanner explains how to effectively organize your closet.

The closet.

It can feel less like your own personal retail store and more like an abyss of clothing you forgot you had or items you don’t really love. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to edit out the unwanted or too worn. By embracing a few organizational techniques, you can successfully transform your closet into a haven of efficiency and style.

The Great Purge

Before diving into the world of organization, it's time for the great closet purge. Channel your inner minimalist and honestly pull out every single item to assess what you no longer love, use or need. This could include items that no longer fit (let them go) or things that have stains or holes. Donate or discard (recycle!) clothes that haven't been worn in the past year.

Seasonal Sorting

Clever organization begins with understanding the rhythm of your wardrobe. Divide your clothes into seasonal categories – summer stunners, winter warmers, and everything in between. Pack away off-season items in clear containers or vacuum-sealed bags, allowing you to focus on the clothes that are currently in play. This not only saves time but ensures your closet reflects the current weather forecast.

Closet organization checklist, with color coding, seasonal items, categories, shoes, and accessories.

Color Coordination Chronicles

Now that your closet is a curated collection of favorites, it's time to color coordinate. Arrange your garments like a rainbow – from the soothing blues to the fiery reds. This simple trick transforms your closet into a visual delight and makes it easier to locate that navy blouse or coral skirt amidst the sea of colors.

Categorical Conquests

For the busy woman, efficiency is the name of the game. Arrange your clothes by category, grouping similar items together. This could mean dedicating a section to workwear, another to casual ensembles, and perhaps a sacred space for those yoga pants that double as your loungewear saviors. This method not only simplifies your morning routine but also helps you keep track of each category effortlessly.

Shoe Symphony

Shoes – the finishing touch to any outfit and often the culprits of closet chaos. Invest in shoe racks or clear shoe boxes to create an organized shoe symphony. Categorize them by style or occasion for quick access to the perfect pair. No more digging through a mountain of mismatched footwear – just a quick glance, and you'll be out the door in style.

Accessorize with Purpose

Accessories are the unsung heroes of an outfit, but they can quickly become elusive in a cluttered closet. Utilize hooks, pegs, or designated accessory organizers to display your jewelry, scarves, and handbags. This not only adds a touch of flair to your closet but ensures you never forget about those statement earrings or that vintage clutch.


Congratulations! You've successfully navigated the labyrinth of your closet and emerged victorious on the other side. By embracing these organization techniques, you've reclaimed your time and sanity. A well-organized closet is not just a space for clothes; it's a daily affirmation of your ability to conquer the chaos.

Be sure to check out some of my favorite closet organizers on my Amazon page, here.

Interested in the whole less is more idea? Click here and schedule a complimentary 15-minute consult and chat with me about your home organization goals or follow me on Instagram here for daily organization and minimalist-living tips.

Amazon Favorites: Fall Must-Haves

Fall organization products recommended by professional home organizer Britnee Tanner.

It’s fall which means it’s time for another seasonal round-up of a few of my favorite home finds. I always say choose fewer, better items. Here are a few Amazon products I’m loving.

1 // Yamazaki Tower Striped Steel Fruit Basket

I’m a fan of pretty much everything from Yamazaki Home because their products are designed in Japan and mostly made of steel and wood. This basket is beautiful and solid as well.

You can find it, here.

2 // Set of 8 Stackable Kitchen Canisters

I love this set of 8 kitchen canisters with the acacia wood lid. The seal is great and these work for go-to snacks like nuts, candies and other small treats.

You can find it, here.

3 // Glass All-Purpose Spray Bottles

While many of us associate cleaning with spring, I like trusty spray bottles that I can use to make my own cleaners in year-round. These glass bottles are timeless.

You can find it, here.

4 // NEST Essential Oil for Pura

If you love your Pura as much as I do, then you know the seasonal scents are so dreamy. Try this one for the fall season!

You can find it, here.

5 // Bath Towel Alternative for Drying Hands

Because sometimes you want something that has more visual interest and that you can hang on a hook and won’t fall off of said hook.

You can find it, here.

6 // Cable Knit Throw Blanket

Tis’ the season to bundle up. I love the look of this blanket.

You can find it, here.

7 // Dried Pampas Grass Decor

Add a touch of modern fall-foliage to your house with this dried pampas grass decor.

You can find it, here.

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Are you looking for a little (or a lot) of help with your own home organization? Click here and schedule a complimentary 15-minute consult and chat with Britnee about your home organization goals.

RELATED POST: Amazon Cleaning Must-Haves

How to Declutter Your Home and Why It Matters


It's time to face the truth: clutter is the frenemy we didn't know we had. Sure, it seems harmless at first, but then it can feel like it’s accumulated at an exponential rate and the next thing you know, you’re drowning in it.

Why is it important to ditch the clutter?

First and foremost, clutter is a sneaky time thief. Think about it: how many hours have you spent searching for your keys, that one missing sock, or that super important document buried under piles of who-knows-what? Time is precious, especially now that we're juggling careers, relationships, and maybe even a few adorable fur babies. So why waste it playing hide-and-seek with inanimate objects? According to the National Soap and Detergent Association, getting rid of clutter would reduce 40% of housework. So if you can edit out what you no longer use, love or need, you may find that you get almost half of your time back.

Let's reclaim those lost hours and put them towards something much more enjoyable, like binge-watching our favorite guilty pleasure show or treating ourselves to a well-deserved spa day.

What else does clutter do to us?

Let's not forget about the emotional weight of clutter. Remember that top you bought five years ago and haven't worn since? Every time you catch a glimpse of it, it taunts you with guilt and whispers, "You wasted your hard-earned money on me." Let's free ourselves from the unnecessary guilt and make room for clothes that we actually want to put on everyday. Less waste, less guilt and more enjoyment.

Lastly, let's not underestimate the impact of clutter on our mental and physical well-being. Cluttered spaces can make us feel overwhelmed, stressed, and downright grumpy. Let's create a sanctuary where we can relax, unwind, and enjoy the serenity of a clutter-free zone. Trust me, when you come home to a tidy space, you'll feel like you can conquer the world—or at least enjoy your favorite beverage in peace.

What about sentimental clutter?

Now, I get it. Parting ways with our clutter can be tough. We develop emotional attachments to random objects like the vase Aunt Mildred gave us for our birthday. We feel obligated to keep it because, well, she's family. But here's the thing: Aunt Mildred may not even remember she gave it to you, and chances are, she's got enough vases to start a floral shop. So why not donate it to someone who might actually appreciate its... charm?

How do I tackle the clutter?

Tackling the clutter is like eating an elephant - you do it one bite at a time. If the pile of paperwork in the corner of your kitchen has been staring back at you for a month, start there. Pull out all of the papers and go through them one-by-one. Do you need to take action on something? Keep it out in the open. Is something just junk mail or paper you never needed in the first place? Recycle that stuff. Got documents that you should really hang on to for longer than a few weeks? File that a way in a long-term file system.

Just starting with one problem area will help you gain momentum so you see progress and then feel encouraged to keep going.

When and how often should I declutter?

This is going to be different for everyone. You’ll want to declutter your kitchen counters daily to stay on top of the many things that end up on that surface. You’ll want to edit and declutter places like your closet once every few months (when you start noticing things getting a little messy and/or you’re not wearing everything in it.) If you’ve never decluttered your home before, start by zone. Once all of the zones are decluttered then you just need to switch to maintenance mode.

Fortunately, maintenance mode is much easier than that first round of decluttering. Maintenance doesn’t have to be daily or weekly but don’t let spaces go on too much longer than monthly.

So, my fellow 30-something ladies, let's bid adieu to clutter and welcome a life of freedom, organization, and unapologetic enjoyment. It's time to declutter like nobody's business and embrace the amazing women we are. Remember, a clutter-free space is a clutter-free mind, and who can argue with that? Now, go forth, conquer the clutter, and unleash your minimalist outlook on the world.

Want more simple living help to streamline your house? Click here and schedule a complimentary 15-minute consult and chat with me about your home organization goals or follow me on Instagram here for daily organization and minimalist-living tips.

5 Easy Ways to Organize Your Home Office

Home office workspace organization looks easy, efficient, and beautiful, seen in these stylish storage bins and pen holder.

When it comes to organizing your home office (because I think by now we’ve all spent more time in them than we could have ever imagined), you want to make sure that you have a few systems in place.

Whether your office is small or simply feeling a bit untidy with paper clutter accumulating, you can tackle the challenge with these five simple ways to organize your home office.

  1. Declutter and prioritize. The first step in organizing your home office is to declutter and prioritize your workspace. Begin by removing any unnecessary items such as old paperwork, outdated electronics, or office supplies that you no longer use. Once you have decluttered your space, prioritize your essential items by placing them within easy reach.

  2. Utilize vertical space. Make the most of your home office by using vertical space. Invest in wall-mounted shelves, file organizers, and bookcases to help keep your workspace organized and maximize storage space. Utilizing vertical space is especially useful if you have a small home office. Additionally, using a useful paper organization system like this one can make all the difference with the paper clutter dilemma that so many of us find ourselves dealing with.

  3. Invest in storage solutions. Investing in storage solutions is essential to keep your home office organized. Consider purchasing storage bins, filing cabinets, and desk organizers to help keep your workspace tidy. Labeling your storage solutions can also help you locate items quickly and efficiently.

  4. Create a daily task list. Creating a daily task list is a useful way to help you stay focused and organized. Write down your daily tasks, deadlines, and appointments on a planner or digital calendar. This will help you prioritize your workload and ensure that you don't miss any important deadlines.

  5. Keep it clean. Finally, keeping your home office clean is crucial for productivity and overall well-being. Regularly dust your workspace, wipe down surfaces, and vacuum or sweep the floors. A clean workspace can help reduce stress and promote a positive work environment.

If you aren’t feeling motivated just yet, remember that an organized workspace can help boost productivity and improve overall well-being.

By simply decluttering and prioritizing your workspace, utilizing vertical space, investing in storage solutions, creating a daily task list, and keeping your workspace clean, you can create a productive and efficient home office. With these tips, you can work from home with ease and enjoy a clutter-free workspace!

Are you looking for a little (or a lot) of help with your own home organization? Click here and schedule a complimentary 15-minute consult and chat with Britnee about your home organization goals.

10 Simple Ways to Organize Your House Right Now

This super organized storage closet is only 1 of 10 simple working professional home organization hacks.

You know the feeling. You’ve stared at the same pile of paperwork building in the corner of your kitchen for weeks. You’ve meant to sort it. You really wanted to see it gone.

You even have designated piles within the pile that have seemed totally harmless up until now.

Unfortunately, the paper has multiplied and you are now completely overwhelmed.

And the truth is, you work really hard at keeping the kitchen neat and tidy. It’s just that one relentless pile staring back at you. Ok and the junk drawer. But that’s pretty much the only culprit.

It’s scenarios like this that can make home organization seem daunting - especially for busy women. But the benefits of a clean and clutter-free home are immense - it can reduce stress, improve productivity, and create a sense of calm. Here are 10 home organization hacks to help take a cluttered home to calm, even for the busiest of women.

  1. Start Small: One of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to organize their home is taking on too much at once. Instead, start with a small area like a drawer or a shelf, and then move on to bigger projects.

  2. Use Vertical Space: Maximize your storage space by using vertical storage solutions such as floating shelves or hanging organizers. This will help you keep your floors clear and create more space.

  3. Label Everything: Whether it's a label maker or a piece of masking tape, labeling everything in your home will help you stay organized and save time in the long run.

  4. Create a Command Center: Create a designated area in your home for important documents, keys, and other everyday items. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you always know where things are.

  5. Use Drawer Dividers: Drawer dividers are a great way to keep small items like socks, underwear, and jewelry organized and easy to find.

  6. Implement the "One In, One Out" Rule: Every time you buy something new, get rid of something old. This will help prevent clutter from building up and make it easier to maintain a clutter-free home.

  7. Store Seasonal Items: Keep seasonal items like holiday decorations and winter clothes in storage bins or vacuum-sealed bags when they're not in use. This will free up space in your home and keep your seasonal items organized.

  8. Create a Cleaning Schedule: Set aside time each week to clean and organize your home. This will help you stay on top of clutter and prevent it from getting out of control.

  9. Utilize Under-Bed Storage: Invest in under-bed storage containers to store extra linens, blankets, and off-season clothing. This will help free up space in your closet and keep your bedroom clutter-free.

  10. Keep a Donation Box: Keep a designated box in your home for items you no longer need or want. When the box is full, donate the items to a local charity or thrift store.

By implementing these 10 home organization hacks, you can take a cluttered home to calm, even if you're a busy woman. Remember to start small, label everything, and use vertical space to maximize storage. With a little effort and determination, you can create a calm and clutter-free home that will benefit you for years to come.

Interested in the whole less is more idea? Click here and schedule a complimentary 15-minute consult and chat with me about your home organization goals or follow me on Instagram here for daily organization and minimalist-living tips.

Amazon Favorites: Cleaning Must Haves

A collage of cleaning essential Amazon finds: Distilled white vinegar, bamboo brushes, microfiber cloths, cleaning caddy, Swedish dishcloths, wool dryer balls, glass spray bottles, mini and full size broom and dust pan, and cleaning gloves.

Whether you consider yourself a clean freak or you just like to do an annual deep clean, you may have Spring cleaning on your mind and if you’re like me, you’ve been opting for less toxic cleaning options that will still tackle the grime.

I’ve rounded up a list of my favorites on my Amazon storefront page, here.

1// Distilled White Vinegar

I use white vinegar on almost all of the places. Windows, bathroom glass and mirrors, countertops and even in the cup holders in my car.

My obsession has less to do with the odor and more to do with the fact that it cleans just about everything. And I mean clean like sparkling clean. It’s also non-toxic, deodorizes and disinfects. All-in-one and affordable.

You can find it, here.

2// Bamboo brushes

These little guys are tough on food build up on any dish. I like that they’re not made of plastic and they last a long time.

You can find it, here.

3// Microfiber cleaning cloths

Use them on just about any surface - especially windows! And you can never go wrong with classic white.

You can find it, here.

4// Cleaning Caddy

I love a good cleaning caddy. This option made by Yamazaki Home is not only beautiful to look at but it’s incredibly sturdy. I love that brand because of their steel and wood combinations.

You can find it, here.

5// Swedish Dishcloths

Sometimes you don’t want to use a ton of paper towels. Sometimes all you need is a strong and durable rag to wipe down your kitchen counters or table. That’s where the Swedish dishcloths come into play. Love the prints of these black and white ones!

You can find it, here.

6// Wool Dryer Balls

For the past three years I’ve been trying to opt for less toxic cleaning solutions my home because turns out, the air inside of our homes can be more toxic than outside. Part of the switches I have made are to laundry detergents and dryer sheets. I love applying a few drops of essential oils to wool dryer balls for an extra fresh load of laundry.

You can find it, here.

7// Glass Spray Bottles

Make your own cleaning solution with these glass spray bottles. I use mine for my vinegar, soap and water cleaning favorite!

You can find it, here.

8// Dust Pan and Broom Set

Sometimes you just need to sweep up the crumbs and you don’t exactly need a full-size broom. Love this minimal and modern option.

You can find it, here.

9// Full Size Broom and Dust Pan

For the regular clean-ups you’ll want a broom and dust pan that can handle the dust bunnies and food droppings. This minimally designed option will blend in with just about any aesthetic and help you when you need it most.

You can find it, here.

10// Cleaning Gloves

These aren’t the turquoise cleaning gloves you grew up with. The dark charcoal color is easier on the eyes and durable to help with dish duty or bathroom duty. This pair is also skid and tear resistant.

You can find it, here.

I hope you find those cleaning essentials helpful for your own spring cleaning this year! You can find more of my Amazon favorites on my storefront, here.

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Are you looking for a little (or a lot) of help with your own home organization? Click here and schedule a complimentary 15-minute consult and chat with Britnee about your home organization goals.

RELATED POST: My Favorite Spice Jars and Labels to Match

My Favorite Spice Jars and Labels to Match

These neat method spice jars are professional organizer Britnee Tanner's favorite.

Some organization seems extra to some people.

Like why decant spices into pretty little jars? Why spend the time when you can just keep them in the jars they came in from the store?

If that sounds like you, I get where you’re coming from. I didn’t always organize my spices and snacks by individual containers (yes, there was a time).

But I do think that this little bit of extra work is totally worth it.


Because taking the time to separate something like your spice collection into uniform jars with beautiful labels is worth its weight in gold when you feel the calm that it creates. And when you experience the happiness you see from every spice in your cabinet (or drawer) uniformly placed and labeled.

Friends GIF celebrating that uniformity creates calm, especially when it comes to labels and jars.

Uniformity creates calm.

Containment creates a sense of control.

Neat labels mean you can read what you have without searching.

So yes, the extra effort is worth it.

If that doesn’t convince you, I can attest to the transformation I’ve seen with my clients. It’s been these extra details that really set a space a part from others. It’s the detail that creates a custom experience - an experience that is felt every time they walk into their pantry or open a kitchen cabinet.

So without further adieu, my favorite spice jar set is from Neat Method and my favorite labels are from Paper and Pear.

Buy them, transform your spice collection and thank me later.

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