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New Year, New Home

Tips for decluttering to start the year with a fresh, organized space

New Year’s brings a chance to refresh different aspects of your life, including your home. I like to take it as a time to reconnect with my minimalist values and set achievable goals for myself. 

You, too, can make a resolution to start this year with intentional changes that will make your life easier in the long run.

Grab a journal and let’s plan how to make your home like-new in 2025.

Step 1: Start Small

Start small to avoid overwhelm. Decide which surface or room is stressing you out the most and start there. Write down incremental goals that take no more than an hour or two and congratulate yourself every time you tick one off. When your morale is high, you’re much more likely to follow through the rest of the year.

Step 2: Decor Redo

Rethink your design and decor. Note the feeling you get when you enter your home. Does it make you feel at-ease or stressed? Pick out decor items that might need to be replaced with something more harmonious or alter the arrangement of your space to create flow. You’d be surprised how little design changes can make a space feel more warm and welcoming overall.

Step 3: Digital Declutter

With your physical space under control, it’s time to consider your digital space. Pair down the number of pesky push notifications you allow. Set aside a digital detox hour each day to put your phone in a drawer and be fully present. With a controlled digital environment, you’ll be able to feel refreshed and present in your home with your family.

Have you resolved to keep a tidy, minimalist home in 2025? Get started with a free 15 minute consult with me or by checking out my Insta for creative organization solutions.